Workplace Health Promotion – Main pillars
Resources-oriented ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY to be combined with other management strategies, like inter alia QUALITY MANAGEMENT and ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES
* TAILOR-MADE, COMPANY SPECIFIC process framework developed in coordination and accordance with the EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP and the HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT in a company
* EVIDENCE BASED STUDIES confirm the SUCCESS of Work Health Place Promotion processes in Austria. Accordingly the IHS Vienna (Institute of Advanced Studies, Vienna)[1] found: ○ 1 Euro invested in Work Health Promotion saves companies 2,5 Euros; ○ after the implementation of a Work Health Place Promotion program the number of sick leave days are reduced; ○ reduction of costs due to sicknesses by 25%; ○ the HIS estimates that without work health promotion programs Austria’s economy loses per year 300 Mio. to 1 Billion Euros
*SALUTOGENESE as the GUIDELINE for Work Health Place Promotion → based on the ideas of Aaron Antonovsky: focusing on the origin and conservation of HEALTH versus PATHOGENESE focusing on the emergence and development of SICKNESS
*MULTI-LEVEL approach: ○ ORGANISATIONAL & QUALITY MANAGEMENT CONCEPT built within the human resources structure of a company; ○ each “Workplace Health Promotion Program” is adapted to a company’s potentials & challenges, based on an ASSESSMENT of the STATUS QUO and developed in close coordination with the human resources department of a company; ○ measures can also be conducted in cooperation with external professionals (inter alia MDs, nutritionists, work psychologists and other related experts). ○ “HEALTHY LEADERSHIP” promotion; ○ work health promotion activities designed for SAFETY RELATED & PREVENTIVE HEALTH MEASURES implemented with all employees; ○ sustainable implementation of a long-term “HEALTH SAFETY” and “HEALTH SECURITY” network with EXTERNAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS ○ “BEST PRACTICE” approach based on NATIONAL ↔ INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS; ○ CONFORMITY with the LAW.
[1] Helmenstein, Hofmarcher, Kleissner. Riedel, Röhrling, Schnabl (2004): Ökonomischer Nutzen Betrieblicher Gesundheitsförderung, Endbericht Research Resport. IHS-Studie.